Education and Career News

Bill Nye Saves the World of STEAM Education

Photos: Courtesy of Billy Nye

If you grew up in the ‘90s, chances are you remember a science class where you watched “Bill Nye the Science Guy.” For many millennials, Bill Nye made learning about science fun while breaking down concepts like biology, chemistry, astronomy, geology and more. Today, Nye continues to be an advocate for science and hopes to encourage people to take action. For teachers looking for advice in engaging students in science, he keeps it simple: “Blow something up.”

“It’s just no trouble at all to get people interested in science because you have the ability to do spectacular demonstrations,” Nye says.

Advocating for science

For Nye — who has a degree in mechanical engineering and chairs The Planetary Society — science is something that everyone needs to invest in. “The big concern right now in science education is that facts are very easy to get,” Nye says. “What we want is for students to be able to separate the wrong ideas from the good ones.”

In a political climate where scientific findings are being called into question and funding for scientific research is being cut, that commitment to scientific thinking is especially critical. Recently, for example, Nye spoke at the March for Science in Washington D.C. as he and fellow protestors sought to remind lawmakers that scientific research matters.

Leading the charge

In his book “Everything All at Once: How to Think Like a Science Guy, Solve Any Problem, and Make a Better World,” Nye uses his own experiences to illustrate life lessons and discusses how everyone can make the world a better place using science. Specifically, he focuses on how many individuals working together can resolve climate change.

“The new book is about what I think we can do to improve the quality of life for everyone in the world by being nerds,” Nye says. “By approaching things in a systematic, scientific way, everyone on Earth can have a better quality of life.”

Bill is back

From April 2017 to May 2018, Nye returned to mainstream television via Netflix in his television show, “Bill Nye Saves the World.” On the show, he continues to explore the impact of science and the role it plays in current society, politics, and pop culture with his trademark bow-tied gusto.

So while Nye may be best known for his kids’ educational programming from two decades ago, he is still striking a chord with adults and children alike with his passion for science.

Nye explains it simply: “I’m trying to save the world.”