Education and Career News

How One School District Is Ramping up PPE and Safety Procedures

Photo: Courtesy of The School Superintendant Association

The Savannah-Chatham County Public School System has implemented a growing number of procedural changes to ensure the safety of our students and staff during the COVID-19 pandemic. These measures are based on guidance from our public health partners. 

Anyone entering a district facility must respond to health screening questions and have their temperature taken. Those who fail to meet health screening standards may not enter. Signage at entry points and floor graphics throughout each building remind all to maintain social distancing, wear face coverings, wash hands, and use sanitizer. 

Hand sanitizer stations, placed strategically in classrooms, offices, and throughout the hallways, are refilled frequently. Cleaning supplies are available at all sites and sanitizing protocols have been enhanced. High-contact surfaces are sanitized frequently with antimicrobial agents and “fogged” as needed. 

Water fountains have been disabled. Deep cleaning days have been established for all district buildings. Procedures are firmly established for people who may become ill, infected, or require isolation. Employees have their own supplies to avoid sharing with one another. They meet virtually to avoid unnecessary physical contact. 

Parents and other visitors are allowed in restricted areas. We will likely make other adjustments to ensure safety as we prepare for students to re-enter school buildings.

A different world

Once we reopen for in-person instruction, we will continue to follow these best practices. In addition, students who ride buses will be screened before boarding, and will be required to wear face coverings as appropriate and adhere to appropriately distanced seating. Disposable masks or shields will be available for those who do not have them. 

Classrooms have been modified for social distancing and meal delivery has shifted to classrooms. Schedules for entry, transition, and dismissals will be staggered. All hallways will be one-ways. 

Classrooms will be equipped with appropriate hygiene and cleaning supplies for use during the school day. Each student will be issued a refillable water bottle donated by community partners as water fountains will be unavailable. 

We all want to get back to traditional in-person teaching and learning. Our students want a return to normalcy — as does our staff. We remain steadfast in our commitment to ensuring the safest teaching and learning environment for students and staff.