Education and Career News

A Strong Foundation Helps Build a Life-Long Education

Lori Buxton

Managing Director Association for Early Learning Leaders

I am also 27 years into my career as an early childhood education professional, having served young children, their families and the child care community as a teacher, administrator, trainer and executive. I am steeped in research, education, experience and evidence that speaks to the importance of solid foundations, strong frames and quality building blocks in children 0–6 years old and how it impacts long term learning and life success. I have seen the amazing educational and life outcomes when we get it right and the difficulties when there are critical misses.

I am the parent of four grown children; I have lived through learning to be a parent, making tons of both painful mistakes and wonderful memories as I contributed to the foundation, erected the framework and laid the building blocks for their lives. My husband and I are now experiencing the joy of being grandparents to four children ages two to seven years and watching as our adult children begin laying the foundation, building the framework and stacking the building blocks for their children.

Blueprints for education​​​​​​​

Strong foundations for children matter. There is something hidden in the facts, figures, reasearch and narratives you will hear as a parent; the contain aspects of the blueprint that establishes life-lasting foundations in children. You will learn about what high quality early learning environments consist of; how they contribute to social, emotional, developmental and cognitive foundations; and why it matters to your child and to you. You will discover that science, technology, engineering and math, also known as STEM, is not just something that connects roots to a flower. STEM represents the educational walls that support a child’s academic success now and in the future.

Most crucial of all, my hope is that you will recognize the value of positive, engaged partnerships between parents and early care and education providers. We can’t do this alone — the job is too big. Research and evidence overwhelmingly points to the powerful impact successful parent/provider teams have on children. This partnership becomes the roof, the doors and the windows, providing protection as they discover, explore and chase their dreams. Together, we can build strong, confident, happy children who grow into strong, confident, equipped and empowered adults.

I often remind teachers that the future of our world is sitting in their classroom. This is true for us, the parents, the grandparents and all the other people children do life with. The future of our world is sitting at our kitchen table; we need to give them our very best.