Education and Career News

Be A Partner in Your Child’s Education from the Start

As parents, we know our children better than anyone else. We are also our children’s first teacher and best advocates. This is why it is essential that we are partners in their education from when they first enter school and throughout their academic career.

Family engagement in education supports student learning and development and strengthens the capacity of teachers and schools.

What we do at home with our children to reinforce what they are learning in the classroom has the biggest academic impact. The information that we share with teachers about our children’s daily life, language and culture empowers them to adapt lessons to meet our children’s needs. Our voice helps ensure our children are treated fairly and have access to opportunities that enable them to reach their full potential.

Learning at home

Learning at home and getting support from family members is critical to children’s academic success.

Designate a quiet, comfortable and well-list space in the house just for studying. Monitor and assist your child with their homework and let their teachers know if there are any problems or if your child needs extra help.

Above all, encourage your child to talk about their day and express any concerns. An open, ongoing dialogue will help you understand your child’s strengths and weaknesses and what activities they like and don’t like and help keep your child safe, happy and learning. 

Relationships with teachers

It is important to develop a relationship with your child’s teachers, keep in touch with them often and work together to support your child.

Share with your child’s teachers information that will help them get to know your child as an individual.

Ask their teachers about learning goals for the school year and how you can support your child in achieving these goals. Contact your child’s teacher whenever you have questions or concerns and attend parent-teacher conferences.

The most important thing is to stay connected, so you can support and advocate for your child.

Advocating for your child

Speaking up for your own child and every child in your school community is critical to help them reach their full potential. Use your voice to advocate to ensure your child gets the education they deserve and has every opportunity for success.